Kelly Hill is a vocalist and trained operatic mezzo-soprano living in Chicago. She recently completed her Doctor of Musical Arts degree at the University of Iowa, and published her dissertation, How to Play it Like A Singer Sings It: The Application of Vocal Techniques for the Singing String Student.
Recent regional performances have included appearances with the Quad Cities Symphony Orchestra, Quad Cities Opera, Cedar Rapids Opera Theater, and the Chamber Singers of Iowa City. Kelly has also recently taught voice lessons at the University of Iowa, Augustana College, and St. Ambrose University.
Other work experience includes positions as an archival assistant at the Yale School of Music Library, University of Iowa Rita Benton Music Library, and for the Beverly Willis Architect Collection, now residing at Virginia Tech and the Library of Congress. She also has experience as Program Coordinator at the Yale Collection of Musical Instruments, and has served as Production Manager for the Cedar Rapids Opera Theater.
Kelly received her BM in Vocal Performance from the University of Iowa, and earned both an MM and AD from the prestigious Yale School of Music.